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5 Best Practices for Assessing and Selecting an IT Service Provider

5 Best Practices for Assessing and Selecting an IT Service Provider
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by Sanjeev Kapoor 07 Dec 2014

There are a number of IT service providers today who compete with each other. It can be a difficult task to choose the right one with the right kind of experience. When every IT company brandishes testimonials, attractive websites and a plethora of products and services, how do we choose the right one that will work for us? In order to ensure that we choose the right IT service, provider, we need to evaluate each shortlisted IT service provider using the 5 steps given below.

1.      Take a look at the provider’s website

A quick look at the IT service provider’s website will help you to give a general idea. Is the website designed in a contemporary manner? Is there an updated blog that features valuable content? Chances are, if their website is designed well and is regularly updated, they are also equally professional about their real work.

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2.      Search the IT provider online

If you run a keyword search of the IT provider online, you may encounter complaints, praises and commentary related to their services and products. Every business will have its share of positive and negative feedback. Choose complaints that are particularly bothersome to you and question the IT service provider what they did to that particular complaint and if they have the ability to solve such issues in future.

3.      Social media presence

Today, no one can avoid being on the various social media platforms. Make sure that your IT service provider has updated their social media accounts. At least, they should be having Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts. They should also be updating it properly, without just creating accounts and letting them remain quiet. The way they interact on social media can give an insight into their employee culture.

4.      Take to references they provide

This is one of the most important steps while choosing an IT provider. Speak to the references that your IT provider may provide you and ask them all your questions regarding the kind of services and support you can expect from them.

5.      Word of mouth references

Sometimes, it is not necessary to seek out references through IT service providers. You could also ask your own colleagues or friends if they have heard of that particular IT service provider. If they do not know the IT service provider, ask them to visit the website and do an assessment themselves and let you know how they feel. A third person’s point of view is always important and insightful.

Take ample time before choosing your IT service provider

We often end up choosing our IT service providers in a hurry, without going through all the steps mentioned above. It is crucial that we listen to references, friends and colleagues, so that we avoid choosing the wrong kind of providers. Take your time and do not hurry up. The choice is always yours. Make the most of the time that you have with you, before choosing your IT service provider.

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