Blog | Enterprise Mobility

Are Mobile Enterprise Apps Realizing Their Potential?

Are Mobile Enterprise Apps Realizing Their Potential?
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by Sanjeev Kapoor 28 Dec 2015

Observational research studies indicate that companies are more open to mobile enterprise apps. Enterprise apps have helped companies to put productivity and efficiency at the forefront by enabling custom solutions.

Enterprise apps consist of a diverse range of mobile and web applications that help businesses of all sizes to grow, innovate and diversify their businesses. Enterprise apps and their mobile versions are not limited to ERP, HRMS or CRM. They include complex software programs, research tools, industry-specific applications and technologies that help businesses to enable and discover new products and services. Newer enterprise applications not only do all these but also help companies to administer and manage their businesses more effectively.

With the world moving towards mobile platforms at a staggering pace, mobile enterprise apps are much more in demand than ever before. Yet, it is not really clear if companies are utilizing these apps to their full potential. There are several reasons why mobile enterprise apps are not being tapped completely, even when a lot of money has been invested into them. Certain scenarios seem to exasperate the difficulty of using enterprise mobility to their optimal levels.

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Three of these scenarios include:

1. Infrequent updating

Updating applications is not something that should be limited to customer-centric apps. Enterprise applications that are developed to boost productivity and efficiency within an organization need to be updated as well.

Staff and employees do not always have the same devices and each time they update their own mobile operating systems, the enterprise apps will need to be updated as well. With this in mind, companies should look at releasing frequent updates that will fix issues and bugs within enterprise apps, so that device conformity will no longer be a requirement within organizations.

2. Lacking in relevancy

While most enterprise apps are released with good intentions, they often lose relevancy with time. As technology changes rapidly, the functions of enterprise apps change as well. For instance, HRMS and ERP solutions no longer need to be individually customized for every employee. Customizations can take place remotely.

Yet, if the technology is no longer relevant or if certain features within enterprise apps seem dated, users may stop using the apps. This will defeat the purpose of designing enterprise applications. A solution to this problem is to consult with enterprise mobility professionals and seek advices regarding how best existing apps could be made more relevant to users.

3. No access to user feedback

User feedback should not be limited to customer-centric apps alone. Enterprise apps have a more important role in providing feedback and improving user-experience. Employees are usually the end-users when it comes to enterprise apps and it is important to seek their feedback when it comes to mobile apps.

An easy solution is to prompt users to leave feedback regarding difficulties while using, accessibility of content and also inadequacies with respect to functionality. Seeking feedback and accessing them at the right time will companies to recognize issues within enterprise apps and fix them in order to boost productivity and efficiency.


Professional consultation is usually in order

Professional consultation with respect to existing and future enterprise apps is important but a lot of companies look at it as an added expenditure. Only, in the long term, professional advice can help companies to keep the costs low and boost productivity by enhancing the functionality of enterprise apps, which are meant to boost productivity within an organization in the first place. Consultation could be sought not only for existing enterprise apps but also for future ones.

As more companies are embracing automation and business productivity tools, enterprise apps have witnessed a kind of renaissance not seen before. Professional consultation can also help companies to release frequent updates to existing apps, making sure that they are relevant, reliable and valid and that user feedback is actively collected and used. At the end of the day, one simply can’t grope in the dark and that is especially true when it comes to maintaining and managing expensive enterprise apps.


Looking forward

When it comes to enterprises, there are always missed opportunities and lost causes. To an insider, these may not be apparent as easily as they will be to professional consultants. The focus should be on ensuring that enterprise apps are optimized and updated regularly to aid in boosting productivity and efficiency within an organization.

Expert mobility solutions can breathe new life into existing apps and also create stellar new apps that will remain relevant and valid for a long time to come. While it may seem like an added expenditure, consulting mobility experts will help in saving money in the long term and ensuring that the company is able to do what it does best.

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