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Find Out the Different Approaches of Integrating Social Commerce Platforms

Find Out the Different Approaches of Integrating Social Commerce Platforms
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by Sanjeev Kapoor 18 Dec 2014

Social commerce is the marriage of social media with online shopping. It is an important tactic for all companies in the present day. In this post we will take a look at some of the different approaches you can utilize when integrating social commerce platforms that integrate with enterprise systems and engage customers. Individuals do not often realize the sheer scope of variety that is available in relation to social commerce. So, keep on reading to find out more…

Gamaroff Digital – First and foremost we have Gamaroff Digital. This company do not seem themselves as a traditional, native mobile-app building business. When it comes to social commerce, they believe the key player is interoperability. It is all about boosting interaction but doing so by simple methods. After all, the user does not wish to overcome various hurdles in order to get a product or reap the rewards of a promotion. One of Gamaroff Digital’s most successful promotions was for Stella Artois. Those who downloaded the app received a free beer and consequently the app would then broadcast a message to the user’s friends, who would in turn receive vouchers.

Turn To – Turn To is assisted shopping and community Q&A software. Consumers always have questions regarding products and this provides the ideal solution. The ‘Ask a Question’ box is transformed into a community-powered sales assistant that is able to answer most shoppers’ questions immediately. One of the best things about this application is the fact that it is flexible and thus ideal for growing companies. Moreover, it can help when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO) and raising conversion, as questions can be routed to previous customers.

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Zipf Works – Next we have ZipfWorks, which is one of the most popular services for social commerce integration. This company takes a user-guided approach to the design process, which is especially important when you consider how much of a monumental role mobile is playing in online purchasing behavior nowadays. ZipfWorks actually begin the process by looking at the target user and examining their shopping behavior across social networks and devices. This is how they are able to develop an end product that resonates with users across various devices. It is the ultimate solution in social commerce for the present day.

Engage Sciences – Last but not least, the final approach to the integration of social commerce platforms we are going to take a look at is EngageSciences. This is a social marketing company that is based in the UK. They collect and analysis social data to present a platform that ascertains consumer relationships. You have a rich profiling tool that can be used in order to segment and target users based on the social data that has been collected. This allows you to target fans that matter.

From ZipfWorks to TurnTo, there are many great apps and companies available for those businesses that are assessing their options in relation to the integration of social commerce platforms. Don’t underestimate the importance of using several social commerce services to really take your online presence and sales to the next level.

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