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How Popularity of iOS7 is Offering New Opportunities for iOS Developers

How Popularity of iOS7 is Offering New Opportunities for iOS Developers
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by Sanjeev Kapoor 19 Dec 2014

Every time Apple brings out a new update, it marks the opportunity for buyers to take advantage of new features and aspects. Yet, where it really gets interesting is for developers. They need to assess the changes that are going to be made and determine how they can turn those into an opportunity for themselves. In this post, we will take a look at some of the new opportunities that came about because of the introduction of the iOS7 and indeed the popularity of it. So, keep on reading to find out everything you need to know…

The first opportunity that has arisen is the chance for iOS developers to truly maximize their revenue. The iOS7 update meant that a lot of individuals had to pay for the apps they already had again. This is because for many apps, the update represented an opportunity to go back to the drawing board. This clean slate gave iOS developers the chance to essentially start again, whilst also capitalizing on the ability to make more money from their existing applications. We are not talking about one or two minor tweaks when it comes to releasing an update in this instance. We are talking about major overhauls. After all, you cannot expect to charge a consumer again for the app if it is only a mere adjustment of the first app they paid for.

In addition to this, one of the biggest opportunities the iOS7 update brought with it was in relation to gaming apps. If you specialize in game development, you will undoubtedly have loved the iOS7’s introduction. Of course, the most obvious update is the fact that the game table no longer looks like a pool table. However, that is not all. In addition to this, there is a new game framework, which means easier implementation of turn-based gaming. Moreover, game controllers made especially for the iOS are going to emerge, which is music to every game developer’s ears.

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Last but not the least, the final opportunity that simply cannot be ignored is the fact that you have the ability to use iOS7 APIs that have been added. And when we say there is a lot to explore, we mean it! 1,500 APIs have been added to Apple’s SDK. This includes everything from Inter-app audio, to 60-fps Video Capture, to Airdrop. This can help you to acquire new customers and of course to make your app a lot better. If you take a look online, you will see a wealth of information about the various APIs that are ready and waiting for you to take advantage of them.

When you take all of the points that have been mentioned into account, it is really not difficult to see why the iOS7 update has been extremely beneficial for developers. It has given them the opportunity to take advantage of a greater array of features, whilst also presenting them with the chance to make more money as well. What more could a developer want?

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