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Managing Mobile App Development for Mid-Size Businesses

Managing Mobile App Development for Mid-Size Businesses
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by Sanjeev Kapoor 25 Dec 2014

When everything is just a click away, we have grown accustomed to using apps for everything from booking tickets to finding a restaurant nearby. Companies have thus been scrambling to develop apps that can bring more in better ROI. Mid-sized companies in particular have realised the importance of apps and how they can help them to target users.

However, they have limited budgets and a small infrastructure. Therefore the challenge is to build great apps within limited resources. While it may sound like a daunting task, with a little effort and some careful planning, it can be made possible. All that one requires to build a great app is the right technology, good management and sales skills, sourcing when required and monitoring app developing projects.

What steps should mid-size businesses take to overcome difficulties?

Mobile Apps or something else.
Let's help you with your IT project.

1. Choosing the right technology for app development

The main aspect of developing an app is its technology. It is crucial to choose the right technology as it can avoid time loss. If the technology goes wrong, the loss is drastic both in terms of money and time. It can also harm the reputation of the company. Ensure that your developers understand the nuances of various mobile operating systems. They need to be well versed with not only iOS and Android, but also BlackBerry OS and Windows Mobile.

2. Sourcing package applications, especially for custom app development

Create a mobile platform to develop custom apps. This can help in developing new apps, integrating them to multiple backend applications which support the management and the infrastructure that is required. A lot of times, custom apps are preferable to apps that are developed in a generic manner. At the end of the day, it all boils down to how unique an app is and for that, customization is the key. Sourcing can also lead to a reduction in costs.

Read AlsoThe 4 Pillars of Custom Mobile App Strategy for Small Businesses

3. Monitoring workflow and customizing it

Monitor the data and the work pipeline. Make sure the information is given access to the required employees to save time and increase efficiency. Manage a structure which helps sales reps and managers to keep a track of their work. Customize the plan in such a way that new updates are available immediately and the work done is structured and easy. Customize this workflow monitoring to your benefit, so that you know how to get the best of it.

4. Managing resources

Mid-size companies have a limited pool of resources. So find ways of cost reduction and reaping more benefits from the available resources. Crowd-sourcing can be a great idea, especially if you are running short of resources. If you can stretch your budget a bit, you can hire companies that help you to reduce costs in the long term, though it may take a little investment in the beginning. You must learn to manage the resources that you already have and make the most of it, while trying to get apps developed.

5. Managing sales

Create a system where you can easily track the sales of your app.While it may seem rather strange to manage sales of your app even while developing it, one needs to remember that app development is a continuous process. Updates and releases need to be made available at regular intervals. Bugs need to be fixed and new features must be added as and when required. For this to happen, you need to manage your app sales and that requires a close monitoring of the feedback you receive from those who have already purchased it.

Final thoughts

Midsize firms juggle many challenges in the business of developing apps. They must have a reliable app development partner and adopt the above mentioned steps to reap profits. They must overcome the challenges of infrastructure and knowledge gaps by adopting the above processes. One must also keep ROI in mind.

App development is usually undertaken by SMBs to get a good ROI. That is only possible if applications are developed in a cost-effective but efficient manner. One must not scrimp on quality but one must not also be generic in nature. By maintaining a balance and by staying ahead of others in the business, we can rest assured that our mobile apps will bring the ROI we expect.

Read Also: Benefits of Developing Mobile Apps for Android

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