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Top 5 Questions to Ask an iOS Developer before Hiring

Top 5 Questions to Ask an iOS Developer before Hiring
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by Sanjeev Kapoor 17 Dec 2014

If you have been pondering about getting an app designed, you probably have zeroed down upon the iOS platform. The majority of mobile devices today either run on Apple’s iOS or on Google’s Android. It is also empirically observed that those who use iOS devices tend to be more affluent with a larger purchasing power.

An iOS developer must understand your particular vision and help you to turn that vision into reality. An iOS developer ensures that you app is designed according to Apple’s terms and conditions and that it hits the Apple Store without any glitches or hurdles. Thus, it is crucial for you to ask a few questions to the iOS developer you plan to hire. If you are in the hands of an experienced and talented iOS developer, you can rest assured that your mobile app development needs will be taken care of without much worries.

In this article, let us take a look at 5 important questions that you should ask an iOS developer before hiring him or her.

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1.      What is the developer’s technical expertise?

iOS is one of the most robust and well designed mobile operating systems. It comes with a plethora of technical features that you may not even be aware of. A good and experienced iOS developer knows the intricacies of these technical features and also knows how to use them for your business.

You need to ask your potential iOS developer if he or she knows how to optimize specific technologies such as the accelerometer, location based services, health application, in-app purchases and others features. You also need to ask your developer if he or she has worked with these technologies beforehand.

2.      Where to find applications that the iOS developer has previously designed?

Most iOS developers would gladly give you a portfolio of iOS apps that they have previously designed. You can take a look at these applications to get a feel of how they work with the codes and interface. The easier an app is to use and the more powerful it is, the better your iOS developer is. Thus, it is very important to ask for previous examples of applications that were designed by your potential iOS developer.

3.      Does your iOS developer know how to monetize applications?

Mobile applications are not designed solely for the purpose of end-users. Mobile apps can be a valuable source of income and revenue generation. Does your app developer know how to monetize iOS applications? Will he o she provide you with a concrete strategy to monetize your iOS application? Discuss money matters and ensue that your iOS developer has previous experience working with monetization of iOS apps.

4.      What special features can the developer include in the app?

While you may already have a certain idea of how your app must look and function, experienced app developers know more than you possibly can imagine. With that in mind, it is important to ask your iOS developer if he/she has any plans to include special features within the app.

Most developers will be able to provide you with something that you earlier hadn’t thought about. If the developer simply agrees to do everything you ask him or her to do, there could be a problem with innovation.

5.      How will the developer test the app?

The most crucial part of an app development project is testing. Testing ensures that your app is ready to be launched and that it has no glitches that could occur on different iOS versions and devices. Apple has launched several new devices with different screen sizes and resolutions.

The older devices are still around and many people have not updated to iOS 8. This calls for the need for uniformity of experience across iOS devices no matter how old or new they are. You need to ask your app developer how they plan to test the new application and if they have access to all the devices in real and also via simulation.

Final thoughts

It is always important to ask these 5 questions to you iOS app developer before you hire them. Convincing replies to all these questions will ensure that your app development project will be a success and that the end-users will not write complaints about you application. Moreover, a well designed application will help you to make more money and retain the customers that you already have.

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