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5 Reasons Why You Must Hire a Local SEO Expert

5 Reasons Why You Must Hire a Local SEO Expert
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by Sanjeev Kapoor 14 Dec 2014

Most entrepreneurial pursuits require a lot of dedication and effort. That being said, entrepreneurs who run successful start ups cannot rely solely on their skills. In fact, most entrepreneurs today go through a certain level of angst when it comes to navigating through the cyberspace.

Companies that are not run by SEO-savvy entrepreneurs often find themselves lost in the cyberspace, trying to figure out how best they can optimize their content for search engines and how they can make themselves be found by potential leads. Most entrepreneurs face a tough challenge: either to lean search engine optimization all by themselves or hire a local SEO expert, who would be able to attend to their search engine optimization needs and requirements.

Most studies and empirical data indicate that hiring a local SEO expert is better than trying to do everything oneself. In this article, let us take a look at 5 important reasons why hiring a local SEO expert is undoubtedly the better option, when compared with trying to learn everything possible.

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1.      Detailed and competent website analysis

Local SEO experts conduct website analysis as part of their profession. It is similar to how a dentist identifies cavities and other problems during a consultation. One can spend years to diagnose one’s own dental problems or choose to go to an experienced dentist, who will, in a matter of few minutes, diagnose what ails your oral cavity and recommend suitable treatments.

Similarly, a local SEO expert has years of experience when it comes to website analysis. Instead of trying to learn the tricks of SEO yourself, you could hire an expert with years of experience to find out what ails your website.

2.      Research and examine your competitors

An SEO expert not only helps you to feature in search engine results but also tries to analyze who your competitors, what they are trying to remain ahead of you or to catch up with you and also, what you can learn from your competitors.

Just like the dentist’s example mentioned above, an experienced SEO professional will be able to analyze and understand your competitors in a short period of time and help you to use the findings in an objective and constructive manner. This information can be used to improve your own business strategies and deal with your competitors both online and offline.

3.      Adoption of diverse online marketing tactics

An SEO expert usually works with the content marketing team. Together, they will be able to identify and shortlist a digital marketing strategy that will help you to achieve the best of SEO and content marketing.

Whether it is choosing the right keywords for your blogs or fixing your meta-data, a local SEO expert knows how to target both the local and international audience. Consequently, a thorough analysis conducted by SEO and content experts will help you to arrive at an online marketing strategy that is uniquely customized for your business requirements.

4.      Keeping your website optimized as per changing trends of SEO

SEO or search engine optimization is not something that is static. It changes with time and is a dynamic realm that evolves along with the evolution of cyberspace. Entrepreneurs simply cannot find the time or resources to stay abreast of various updates to search engine algorithms, SEO strategies and other changes that are part and parcel of search engine optimization.

With that in mind, an SEO expert will be able to help you to keep your website optimized according to constantly evolving and changing SEO best practices.

5.      More time for you to spend on your business

One of the main reasons to outsource SEO or content related tasks is to be able to focus on one’s own core business areas. Most entrepreneurs often find it difficult to focus on their core business strengths while trying to figure out how to get featured in search engines, how to look for leads online and how best to target content to one’s audience. By hiring a local SEO expert, you can dedicate more time to your core business activities.


It is often tempting to learn everything ourselves and do it all by ourselves. Unfortunately, it is not realistically possible to be masters of every aspect of our businesses. Thus, hiring a local SEO expert will not only ensure that your business finds success, it will also ensure that you find precious time to grow your own business by concentrating on your core business activities.

Seeking expert advice related to SEO is almost like seeking the advice of an experienced surgeon. What ails your online marketing practices can be fixed with industry-standard SEO practices that often come with years of experience.

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