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Community Metrics for Open-Source Software Quality

Community Metrics for Open-Source Software Quality
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by Sanjeev Kapoor 15 Sep 2023

As the Open-Source Software (OSS) community continues to grow at an unprecedented rate, it has become increasingly important to develop metrics that can assess the quality of OSS. Community metrics play a critical role in evaluating the quality of OSS projects. To this end, both developers and end-users of OSS projects had better understand the community metrics and indicators that reflect the quality of the project. By studying these metrics stakeholders can gain insights on the quality and potential utility of a project.


Popular Community Metrics

Some of the main community metrics that are indicative of an OSS project’s quality include:

  • Number of Forks: Forks are among the most valuable metrics used to evaluate OSS projects. Forking involves creating a copy of the project’s source code, which allows contributors to experiment with the code without affecting the original project. Thus, the number of forks can indicate how popular and useful the project is, and can also signal a large and engaged community of contributors.
  • Number of Stars: Another important metric is stars. In contrast to forks, stars represent the number of users who find the project’s features valuable, but may not want to contribute or modify the code. Stars are a useful gauge of overall interest in a particular project, and can indicate a broad and supportive community of users.
  • Number of Downloads: Downloads are a particularly meaningful metric for evaluating the reach of an application. Tracking downloads provides an idea of how many users have used a particular application, indicating the level of interest in the project. Increased downloads may represent the result of user satisfaction and word-of-mouth recommendations.
  • Number of Commits: Commits are also a valuable community metric for OSS quality. Commits refer to changes made to the project’s source code by contributors. A high number of commits indicates that the project is actively being developed, maintained, and improved. A low number of commits, on the other hand, may signal that the community is not very active, and there may be concerns about the open-source project’s sustainability. A project without many commits may not be up to date, which could indicate poor quality.

There are also other software quality indicators, such as code coverage, testing, and documentation, which can be used to assess the quality of OSS projects. Code coverage measures the amount of code that is tested and serves as an indicator of software quality. Effective testing ensures that the software performs as intended and highlights any bugs or errors. Documentation that is easily accessible and of high quality is a strong indicator of a well-managed project.

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Accessing Software Quality Metrics

Stakeholders with an interest in OSS quality can better access these quality metrics. In this direction they can take one or more of the following approaches:

  • OSS Repositories Analysis Utilities: There are tools that can access and analyze the contents of OSS repositories like GitHub statistics. These tools can extract reports about the key metrics of an OSS project, including for example forks, downloads, commits and more.
  • Software Quality Analysis Platforms: Some platforms offer software quality check and analysis services for open-source projects. Websites like Coders Kitchen provide detailed software quality analysis for specific projects. These analyses include metrics and insights into different aspects of the project’s software quality.
  • Access to on-line resources: It is possible to explore articles and resources that discuss measuring the impact and success of open-source projects. Websites like com and the Linux Foundation provide valuable insights into different metrics and approaches for evaluating open source software quality. These resources offer guidance on setting goals, tracking metrics, and measuring the success of an open-source project.
  • Specialized Articles and Blog Posts: There are articles and blog posts that specifically focus on measuring metrics in open-source projects. Platforms like DZone offer articles that delve into the challenges and techniques of measuring metrics in open-source projects. These resources provide practical tips and perspectives on understanding how and how many people use open-source software.


Improving Software Quality

The above-listed metrics can be also used to gauge and track improvements to the quality of the software. As the software codebase improves, some of the numbers may improve as well. Improving open-source software quality is a multifaceted process that requires careful consideration and implementation of various strategies.  First and foremost, establishing a strong code review process is crucial. Code reviews involve subjecting the source code to a thorough examination by experienced developers who can identify potential issues, such as bugs, security vulnerabilities, and code inefficiencies. By incorporating rigorous code reviews into the development workflow, the overall quality of the software can be significantly improved.

Adopting automated testing practices is also essential towards ensuring the reliability and functionality of open-source software through better quality assurance practices. Automated tests can help identify defects and errors early in the development cycle, allowing for prompt resolutions. This is the reason why several OSS development teams adopt automated testing methodologies like Test-driven development (TDD). TDD is a popular methodology that emphasizes writing tests before writing code. This approach not only helps to catch bugs early but also serves as valuable documentation for future developers.

More generally, continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) practices are another valuable means to enhance the quality of open-source software. CI/CD involves automating the integration, testing, and deployment processes, allowing for frequent and reliable software releases, along with disciplined issue tracking. By automating these processes, developers can detect and address issues quickly, resulting in more stable and reliable software.

Encouraging good software engineering practices is also integral to improving open-source software quality. Adhering to coding standards, such as consistent code formatting, avoiding complex and convoluted software architectures, and following established design patterns and principles, ensures that the codebase remains clean and maintainable. Regular refactoring of code can also help address technical debt and improve software quality in the long run.

Furthermore, fostering a vibrant and engaged community around the open-source project is crucial for improving software quality. Encouraging active participation and collaboration helps to harness the collective intelligence of the community, leading to the identification and resolution of issues. Providing clear and accessible documentation, maintaining open communication channels, and acknowledging and incorporating feedback from the community are all essential for creating a thriving development ecosystem.


Overall, community metrics play an essential role in assessing the quality of open-source software. Metrics such as forks, stars, downloads, commits, and software quality indicators provide insight into the size, popularity, and activity of the project’s developer community, as well as the quality of the code. Based on these metrics, users can gain a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of a project and make informed decisions about which projects to contribute to or use. Moreover, developers and other stakeholders must be concerned with enhancing open-source software quality. This requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses robust code reviews, automated testing, community engagement, disciplined release management, CI/CD practices, and adherence to good software engineering practices. These strategies can deliver higher code quality and software products that meet the needs and expectations of end users.

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