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Content Marketing: The Fundamental Factor of Your Online Existence

Content Marketing: The Fundamental Factor of Your Online Existence
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by Sanjeev Kapoor 07 Dec 2014

Nowadays, in order for companies to be successful, they need to have a dominant online presence. This all begins with being visible and easy to find on the major search engines. Research indicates that most users only view the first page of Google’s results once they have entered a search term. Once you have reached the top of the search engine result pages you then need to reinforce your brand image, so you become a company that individuals easily identify with. Of course, achieving this is a lot easier said than done. However, with Content Marketing you can
build a good strategy to help you achieve this. Content Marketing has become a marketing method that is now essential for all companies. Read on to learn more about content marketing, and why it is the fundamental factor of your company’s online existence.

Content Marketing is essentially the creation and sharing of publishing content with the purpose of generating more customers. This is a form of marketing that has progressed rapidly over the past few years. If you roll back the clock to several years ago, the Internet was inundated with poor quality content. Content marketing strategies simply revolved around generating as much content as possible and stuffing it with keywords. There was little consideration for the quality of what was being produced. In fact, many businesses simply duplicated content they found elsewhere. Those days are long gone, because content marketing holds a much greater significance nowadays. It is not only about search engine optimisation (SEO), but it is also about promoting your brand and creating a loyal consumer base.

Of course, the incorporation of relevant links and well-placed high quality keywords is essential. Moreover, companies and marketing professionals are embracing other strategies to reach the top of Google’s result pages, such as co-occurrence. However, the real emphasis is placed on providing content of an exceptional quality, i.e. content that is well written, informative, engaging, original, and enjoyable. This is pivotal as you are empowering the customer by providing them with new information. This creates a loyal consumer base. Thus, customers will be keener to buy from your company, as you have built trust with your brand.

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Aside from dominating the search engines and creating a loyal consumer base, another reason why Content Marketing is extremely important is because it gives you the opportunity to guarantee customer satisfaction and keep an eye on what they have to say about your brand. After all, with content you are giving your company a voice, and this makes you much more approachable. Moreover, through social media platforms, you have the added benefit of extra sharing potential and the ability to create discussion. Your customers will share your content for you, and thus you will have an even bigger voice.

When you take all of the points that have been mentioned into account, it is easy to see why Content Marketing is so important. This is a strategy that companies can no longer ignore – no matter what industry you operate in. Without a proper Content Marketing strategy, you will struggle to get noticed and your online brand presence will be weak.

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