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Discover the Reasons for Growth in Application Development for iOS

Discover the Reasons for Growth in Application Development for iOS
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by Sanjeev Kapoor 17 Dec 2014

Over the past few years there has been evident growth in the development of iOS apps. In this post we will assess the popularity of application development for iOS by evaluating the various reasons why growth has occurred, as well as taking a look at how the situation
is at present. Thus, keep on reading to find out all you need to know…

So, let’s begin by looking at the various reasons why there has been major growth in iOS application development. There is only one place to begin and this is with Apple’s reputable and credible name. Developers and customers alike trust Apple. This is a brand that is becoming famous when it comes to downloading apps through the Apple App Store. There is no ignoring Apple’s dominance in this sector and thus businesses have confidence when it comes to application development. It is the obvious choice for most people.

Read more: Top 5 Questions to Ask an iOS Developer before Hiring

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Aside from this, another reason why Apple app developers are in high demand is because studies showcase that a significant number of people use online video sharing websites and they additionally share video links via email. Therefore, companies are using the services of developers in order to have various video streaming apps created. Of course the iPad is ideal for viewing videos, yet even the iPhone boasts a big screen and high resolution, thus also making it perfect for video features. There seems to be limitless possibilities when it comes to apps created for Apple devices.

In addition to this, Giancarlo Mori, the CEO of Glu Mobile, recently stated at a conference that tablet gaming is going to end the market for traditional games. This is another reason why iOS application development is on the rise. The demand for game apps is monumental and thus this drives a significant proportion of the iOS app development demand on a whole.

It is also worth mentioning the fact that developers themselves prefer to create applications for iOS. This is because they are able to take advantage of more complex and advanced features; they can thus generate apps that provide a better user experience. This in turn enhances the service they offer. With the introduction of 3G and consequently 4G, the utilisation of apps for businesses purposes has increased and this has led to greater demand for app development. The sheer fact that Apple constantly provides updates or releases newer versions of their products showcases that there will always be new demand for app creation and development.

To conclude, there is quite literally no slowing down Apple. This company continues to take steps ahead. The demand for smartphones and tablets is unlike to do a U-turn any time soon. Because of this, there will always be demand for application development for iOS. Nonetheless, when you couple this with the reasons that have been mentioned in this post – such as the demand for video streaming and the better user experience offered by Apple apps – you easily see why there has been significant growth in application development for iOS.

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