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Essential Laws of User Interface Design UX/UI Designers Cannot Ignore

Essential Laws of User Interface Design UX/UI Designers Cannot Ignore
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by Sanjeev Kapoor 22 Dec 2014

User experience (UX) design is all about the user. It is the design of a product that attempts to ensure consumer satisfaction is heightened by considering user’s needs at every step of the process. This is quite different from providing users with information, navigation and such like that you think they need. Consequently, you enhance the effectiveness and enjoyment of interaction between the consumer and the product. UX design has gone from being a niche to the go-to approach when designing. In this post, we will take a look at some of the essential laws of user interface design that UX/UI designers simply cannot ignore. So, keep on reading to find out more…

Law of Clarity – There is only one place to begin and this is with the law of clarity. What does this mean? Well, a user will simply avoid a button, an icon or any other element if they do not understand it. Everything you do needs to have a clear meaning and function. No one wants to go searching or discovering things online when they are in the middle of using an application. Thus, if an icon on your interface does not have an obvious purpose, it will just be overlooked.

Law of Guided Action – The next thing you need to do is make sure you guide the user. An individual is likely to do something if you ask them to. You cannot expect users to fill out a form or go to a certain page on their own every time; you need to ask them to do so or at least point them in the right direction.

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Law of Context – This is especially important when it comes to social media interfaces and any other type of product that requires or allows the user to make changes. In these instances, it is imperative to ensure that interface controls are placed next to the object or element the individual wishes to control. For example, if you want to edit your profile picture, ensure the control to do so is actually situated on or next to the picture.

Law of Easing – The next law you need to take into account is that of easing. What does this mean? Well, in basic terms, a user is more likely to perform a certain action if you make it easy for them. Good websites will split up the checkout process into easy and straightforward steps, rather than expecting individuals to fill out their personal details, payment details, and other information; all on the same page. The same goes, when creating an account with a company.

Law of Defaults – Last but not the least, we have the law of defaults. This is imperative because you will find that it is highly unlikely that a user will ever change their default settings. Because of this, it is your duty to guarantee that they are practical and useful. You should basically assume that no one is ever going to alter them.

So there you have it – the five main laws of user interface design that UX/UI designers simply cannot ignore. Follow these and you have the basis for successful interface design.

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