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Third Party Cloud Computing Infrastructure – Advantages and Disadvantages

Third Party Cloud Computing Infrastructure – Advantages and Disadvantages
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by Sanjeev Kapoor 09 Dec 2014

Cloud computing has boomed in popularity over the past few years. This means that a number of business have switched from using a local server or computer for the storing, processing and management of data. As an alternative, they use a network of remote servers that are hosted on the Internet. Third party cloud computing is essentially when the cloud is managed by an external company rather than internally. In this post we will take a look at the advantages and disadvantages associated with this. So, keep on reading to find out all you need to know.

What are the advantages of third party cloud computing infrastructure?

Maintenance and support – If something goes wrong it is the duty of the provider to ensure the problem is fixed.

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Skilled company with all the resources – When using a third party for cloud computing infrastructure you know you are benefitting from a service whereby the staff are highly trained in this field and the company has all the resources necessary. It’s unlikely you would have this if you were to opt for a personal cloud, meaning lots of time and money would need to be invested.

Security benefits – A lot of companies feel more secure putting their data in the hands of an experienced cloud computing provider rather than jumping into the unknown and trying to manage the security of their pivotal data themselves.

Cost advantages – Third party clouds are particularly advantageous for SMBs and such like since they do not require huge outlays. To be able to bring your infrastructure in-house you would need to make a sizeable investment.

Read More: Third Party Cloud Computing Infrastructure or A Hybrid Cloud – Which is Better?

What are the disadvantages of third party cloud computing infrastructure?

Security worries – Concerns about security is one of the main reasons why businesses consider bringing their cloud infrastructure in-house. By doing this, you are entirely responsible for the security of your data. Yet, time and resources will need to be heavily invested to get it right.

Lack of control – With third party cloud computing you have minimal control over the likes of how quickly you can expand the cloud, the granularity of its management, how it is used and deployed, and such like.

Potential cost drawbacks – If you were to go down the route of a personal cloud you would be able to keep your on-going costs to a minimum, although the upfront expenses will likely be high. Also, with third party computing you will need to pay for more space whenever you run out.

As you can see, there are pros and cons associated with third party cloud computing. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to determining whether this is an effective solution. It all depends on your business and what is right for you. A lot of companies do indeed prefer to go down this route. Personal clouds can be successful, but only if you have the skill and resources to be able to build and manage the cloud. If not, it’s not a risk worth taking.

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