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Understanding Social Media Services and how it helps Business Growth

Understanding Social Media Services and how it helps Business Growth
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by Sanjeev Kapoor 16 Dec 2014

Social media is no longer a new phenomenon. It is a platform that simply cannot be ignored by businesses if they wish to grow their online presence. Websites such as Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter can all help to build a loyal consumer base and thus drive sales as a result. In this post we will assess how social media services can help your business to grow. Thus, keep on reading to find out all you need to know…

Build a loyal consumer base – One of the main reasons why social media services give companies the platform to grow is because it helps them to build a loyal consumer base. Social media is all

about the ongoing experience with your followers. You are generating a set of people that are interested in everything your company is doing – whether you have a sale running or have brought out a new range of items. These are the types of customers that are going to purchase from your business again and again and again.

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Enhance customer service – Social media services help you to provide a better level of customer service. Platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, present a way for consumers to quickly and easily get in touch with your company. They can communicate directly with you.

Boost your search engine optimization (SEO) campaign – Social media can be used to boost other methods of advertising within your company. Search engine optimization is a prime example of this. You will incorporate keywords and natural language will be utilized, such as abbreviations. Moreover, you are broadcasting your content to a broad range of interested readers, they can then share or subscribe and ultimately link to it. Major search engines, such as Bing and of course Google, pay attention to this.

Increased exposure – One of the key advantages associated with social media services is undoubtedly the fact that you will reap the rewards of greater exposure. In fact, almost ninety per cent of marketers have stated that they have seen this benefit.

Associate with other businesses – The benefits of social media services not only lie within your ability to communicate with potential customers, but you can also connect with other business owners and entrepreneurs. This enhances your strategic position, as you can easily get in touch with people who may not be geographically accessible in the real world. This gives you the chance to reach a whole host of people – from new distributors, to potential partners, and so on and so forth.

Gain market intelligence – Last but not least, social media presents you with an excellent way to gain market intelligence. You will discover more about your consumers, as well as your competition. As all marketers know, you can never truly grow your business unless you have a realistic picture regarding how you are performing right now.

To conclude, when you take all of the benefits that have been mentioned into account, it is not difficult to see why social media and the services relating to it are so dominant in the present day. To ignore them would to be missing out on a massive opportunity.

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