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Are SMBs truly benefitting from the cloud?

Are SMBs truly benefitting from the cloud?
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by Sanjeev Kapoor 01 Dec 2014

Cloud computing has truly taken over the market, today. Most businesses have moved at least part of their data and programs to a cloud solution, if not all. This essentially means that such information are stored and accessed via the Internet as opposed to storing them via traditional methods – on the computer’s hard drive. Cloud computing has been beneficial for all businesses, but this is even more so the case for small and medium sized businesses (SMBs). In this post, we will take a look at some of the main benefits for these companies specifically. So read on to discover everything you need to know…

One of the main benefits associated with cloud computing is the fact that it gives SMBs the chance to save a considerable amount of money. This is extremely beneficial, especially for these companies, as most have a limited budget. Technology tends to take up a substantial amount of this budget. However, by investing in cloud computing, you will only pay for access on a per-use basis. This is particularly beneficial when you contrast it to the fact that prior to cloud computing you would have had to assemble your own IT infrastructure for data storage and usage, which is undoubtedly much more expensive.

Another advantage associated with cloud computing is the fact that SMBs can reap the rewards of improved security. This is something you may be shocked to discover. A lot of people simply assume that because things are being stored on the Internet, it is not that much secure. However, that is definitely not the case. In order to stand out from their competitors, providers in this industry must deliver a secure connection and data to their consumers. A cloud company’s reputation could easily be destroyed by one single breach of data. Because of this, they invest a lot of money into guarding their IT infrastructure, and this is something you will definitely be able to take advantage of.

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The next benefit you ought to consider in relation to cloud computing and SMBs is that these companies get to take advantage of more advanced solutions. This helps you to compete with the bigger businesses in your field and ensures that you remain competitive. If you choose a provider with care, you will be able to reap the rewards of market-leading technologies and such like. If you were not to opt for cloud computing, these technologies would likely be out of your price range.

On a final note, it is also advisable to consider facts that cloud computing allow SMBs to be more flexible and agile. By their very nature, SMBs are nimble businesses and have the capability to respond to market developments and changing trends. A cloud solution will allow you to be more agile. You will not require employees to be in the office and thus you free up work from different locations. This is particularly advantageous, when you consider the fact that your team of employees is going to be smaller than other companies in the industry.

When you take all of the benefits that have been mentioned into account, it is truly not difficult to see why cloud computing is advantageous for SMEs specifically.

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