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Essential steps for creating the right cloud strategy for your organization

Essential steps for creating the right cloud strategy for your organization
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by Sanjeev Kapoor 26 May 2022

Modern enterprises are increasingly using cloud computing and cloud services. Most of these services are paid for by cloud service providers. The provider charges fees based on various factors such as the amount of data processed by your organization, the data stored by them and the number of features you make use of. To this end, organizationsneed to create effective cloud computing strategies that will help them determine which cloud services to use from which providers and how to scale up and down according to their needs.

Since most companies use numerous cloud services, developing a good cloud strategy is essential. An effective cloud strategy can help an organization realize cost savings as well as opportunities for innovation. However, enterprises cannot build a cloud strategy out of thin air. They need to start with defining their goals and objectives, and then work backward from there to figure out which services best suit them.


Elements of a Cloud Strategy

A cloud strategy specifies the cloud models that the enterprise will use. These may include one or more of the most popular cloud models such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Containers as a Service (CaaS), Data as a Service (DaaS) and Software as Service (SaaS). The strategy shall also define which services will be accessed through a public cloud and which will be leveraged through private clouds or on-premises data centers as part of a hybrid cloud strategy. Most importantly, a good strategy must also identify the cloud providersthat will provide the services. These providers must be reputable and trusted, as they will be managing valuable data and computing services of your organization.

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An integral element of an enterprise cloud strategy is a realistic roadmap for transitioning into the cloud. This should be primarily based on the real needs of an enterprise rather than on what others are doing or on what are the technological trends in the market. A cloud migration plan should consider how your organization can benefit from moving to the cloud and how you can use it to improve efficiency and reduce costs. It must also consider whether there are any legal or regulatory barriers to moving into the cloud or using certain services such as storage or networking resources. Furthermore, the migration plan must ensure that transitions are smooth so that there is no disruption in service or downtime for users. Once the migration plan is defined, it’s always a good idea to look at the market in order to identify trusted cloud partners and cost-effective cloud services that will help you realize the migration.


Shaping, Specifying and Implementing your Cloud Strategy

There are different ways in which you can go about creating your own cloud strategy. Here are some of them:

  • Research your options: One way to do this is by reading blogs, attending seminars, and reading books on cloud computing. This will help you get a better understanding of what you need to create a successful application in the cloud computing environment. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to cloud technology deployments.
  • Speak with other companies: Another option is speaking with other companies who have already implemented cloud computing solutions into their enterprise infrastructure and asking them about their experiences and how they were able to implement these solutions successfully into their businesses. Nowadays, most enterprises will be able to find business partners or other companies of their business networks that have already undertaken cloud implementation steps.
  • Techno-economic evaluation: Run a cost-benefit analysis of the various cloud offerings as part of a techno-economic analysis. It’s also worth considering complementary aspects, such as the scalability options offered by cloud providers. As your business grows you need to be able to seamlessly access cloud resources and to scale in a cost-effective way.
  • Security assessment: Look at security measures available with different providers. Cloud providers offer different levels of security depending on the type of data being stored, processed, and transmitted over their networks. Look for a provider who offers appropriate certifications, like ISO 27001 for example, or at least a good track record when it comes to security audits and compliance checks during contracts with other clients. It is also important to ensure that the shortlisted cloud providers meet the standards required by your industry. Some services will require extra security to comply with regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for healthcare services or the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) in the financial services industry. It’s also important to consider their reputation and how long they have been in business. This will help you determine whether they are likely to be around when you need support in future.
  • Scrutinize cloud contracts: Don’t forget to study the terms and conditions of the contracts offered by the shortlisted cloud providers. You will have to look on the economic terms, as well as on issues related to 24×7 support and the provider’s liabilities in case it fails to meet obligations of the SLA (Service Level Agreement). Legal and regulatory compliance terms must be scrutinized as well. Consider that the task of reviewing and auditing cloud contracts could be among the “hidden” costs of your cloud deployment journey.

Once you have an idea of what kind of cloud suits your needs, there are several things you need to do in order for it to be successful:

  • Assign a project manager, as it is important to know who will be responsible for managing the project.
  • Understand what type of data needs to be protected and grade the various datasets in terms of their sensitivity.
  • Plan for security and compliance requirements, as regulatory compliance is a marathon rather than a sprint race.
  • Make sure that key considerations of the strategy are addressed during implementation and taken care of by the project manager.


Note that your cloud strategy does not need to be too complex. However, it does need to be effective and take into consideration the current state of your business and your overall IT Strategy. By taking some simple steps now you can create an effective plan that will allow you to reap the benefits of the cloud almost immediately. That’s why companies that ignore their cloud strategy in favor of short-term goals could be putting their long-term success in jeopardy. The companies that are paying attention are poised to benefit greatly from the flexibility and cost savings that cloud computing has to offer. Overall, an effective cloud strategy provides structure and guidance to help companies achieve business transformation and growth. By creating this strategy companies can expect increased agility in their IT services, lower costs, innovations, and the ability to respond faster to market challenges that may arise.

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