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Top 5 IT Outsourcing work that Mid-Size Businesses Should Consider

Top 5 IT Outsourcing work that Mid-Size Businesses Should Consider
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by Sanjeev Kapoor 23 Dec 2013

When it comes to outsourcing IT projects, modern-day businesses are more concerned with ‘what to outsource’ than ‘why outsource’. From cutting costs and streamlining operations to boosting productivity, there are multiple benefits to contracting out your technology projects.

Here is our quick and dirty list of the top 5 projects that mid size businesses can easily outsource without your business losing its competitive edge. The only caveat being that you find the right service provider to get the business done!


1. Business application development
If you don’t have an in-house IT team for custom application development, outsourcing the job makes better business sense than hiring developers. You can scale up and down depending on the business requirement without increasing the fixed costs.

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2. Cloud hosting
Maintaining an in-house cloud system is an effort-intensive and expensive affair. Why worry about maintenance when you can easily outsource cloud services and focus solely on extracting maximum value from the cloud?

3. IaaS
IaaS or Infrastructure as a Service has become a popular choice of mid-size businesses looking to save costs and time. It keeps infrastructure maintenance hassles to a minimum, and frees up resources. You can opt for subscription-based or pay-as-you-use IaaS plans.

4. Web development
If you want to build a new web site, the design and development should ideally be outsourced. Your website is your online identity and as it requires specialized resources who generally prefer to work in agencies. Once you build it managing it should be in-house.

5. Any kind of support and maintenance
Typically a lot of businesses need 24×7 support and it is best outsourced to IT service providers. With a 24×7 support and years of experience of managing it for various other clients, an outsourced service provider helps to cut down costs and provides bandwidth for your internal resources to focus on business critical activities.






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